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Ancient buddhist healing for contemporary life

Traditional Buddhist healing rituals to help reconnect your relationship to the ground of being, to relationships and the natural world. This accessible shift in consciousness supports physical healing. 

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Metta Practice

Metta practice, also known as loving-kindness meditation, is a form of mindfulness meditation rooted in Buddhist tradition. It involves cultivating feelings of unconditional love, compassion, and goodwill towards oneself and others. Through repeated mental phrases or visualizations, practitioners aim to foster a sense of interconnectedness and promote emotional well-being.

"Indra's Net", an excerpt from Living the Season

Indra's Net is a metaphorical concept in Buddhism that symbolizes interconnectedness and interdependence. It portrays reality as a vast, infinitely intricate web where each point represents an individual existence, reflecting and being reflected by all others, illustrating the profound unity and interwoven nature of all things.

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